Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Beauty is In the Eyes of the Beholder

Everybody likes to see and enjoy something beautiful. Name it a scenery, a book, a vehicle, a person, anything. And me, as a woman, I also believe any other women do, we love it even more. It is our nature to love something beautiful. We want to be the beauty itself, thus we always try to make ourself beautiful.

There was the time (when I was younger), perhaps even until now, that I see it myself how lucky it is to be beautiful girls. It seems easy for them to get everything they wanted. Everybody adores them and would do anything for them. Those beautiful girls, I do not know how they take it, but for me as an outsider and a not beautiful girl, they seem take it as granted. They are spoiled by it. Some even, make use of it. Oh beautiful girl, your life is so easy...

As I get older and as time goes by, people change, life change, and some values also change.  But beauty remains the same, I would say. Well, maybe now people are not as easily lured by it. Because they have now their own perspective on how they see a beauty. Women emancipation is everywhere. Women are more bold, sharp, smart this day because they realize being beautiful on the outer skin is not enough. Well, who would want just to be pretty, having easy life, but end up being a hostess for a rich guy? NO!

Being a woman is sometimes tricky. If you are pretty and outgoing, people might think you are too easy. But if you are pretty and strict, they say you are scary. And if you are not pretty, but you are smart, you are geek. Well, many other examples on how tricky it is to be a woman. We do not want people, especially men, to look down at us nor take advantages of us. We want to be equal. Even though on the other hand, it would be even better if woman and man can support each other. In a way, we need each other.

Talking about being supportive, it is important. But I think individually they have to be independent as well, both woman and man. Especially woman. It is universally agreed that men always have to treat the women nicely. In every way. Take her by the hand, open the door for her, take her to nice places, pay the bill, etc etc. It is nice, I know. Even though, it could be too much sometimes. Because sometimes I think a woman who likes to be treated that way is so lame. She might be pretty, but she is such a boring princess. Isn't it even nicer to have a woman who knows herself, who carry herself with pride, intelligent, you can talk to her about anything, has a good job, she does not need man to pay her bill, has a vision and ambition, so you are proud to be with her? Plus she is gorgeous. Isn't it even nicer? She likes to be treated well, because she treats herself well and she knows how to make you proud by treating her well. I think that kind of women are amazing. Rather than women who just use they outer beauty, but have no use of her brain, to get what they want.

I know to take care of women's body, to be pretty is not cheap. And outer beauty is also important. But it will not last forever. Beauty inside will. And anyway, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

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