Before, I always wanted to keep the spirit of birthday. Curious about who will congratulate me first, whether I will get birthday cake and presents or not, like a lively childhood spirit.
One day before the D-day, I had a little argument with Ed. We were talking about birthday. Why people celebrate it, what's the difference between birthday and any other days, what's so special about it! He argued that it's all because of the society, because society -like it or not- makes you believe that it's important to make birthday special. He doesn't like birthday! I do like birthday. When I was a kid, maybe the reason why because people put so much attention to me on that day. But I realized as I grow older, less people would care!
I feel the same way. As older I got as careless I will be about birthday! But I always like to keep the spirit, because as for me birthday is like an annual reminder. For me to contemplate, to review what I've been doing until now, to be better. I know, even it's so little, there will always be something good happens on birthday. :)
April 3rd, 2010. My birthday this year, I turn 21! Legal age eventually. ;) Nothing special, nothing phenomenal, no presents, but birthday cake and wishes are more than enough. Thank you for everything, people! I really appreciate it. But beyond not-so-special-thing, I got a remarkable moment to remember in my whole life. For the first time, due to my essay project, I went to Jatinegara Railway. That place known as a prostitute area in Jakarta. I went there with a friend, because I was afraid to go there alone!
First time is always remarkable, I know that. When I sat in a small street vendor, I tried to feel the ambiance of that place. I observed how people there talking to each other and, for sure, trying to get a client! They looked normal, very natural. I must look natural as well. For a while I had to let myself be a part of them in their mind. I must not annoyed when people thought that I was one of them. But I was safe because I was there with a friend. So maybe people thought that I already got a client. hehe.. So then I convinced myself I have to get a good result that evening, so I asked one girl to sit with us. She was so friendly. She smiled a lot.
And since then, we talked about almost anything. I tried to get as many information as possible from her. I tried to do it naturally though, because I wanted to be friend with her and I also wanted her to feel comfortable with me. And it worked! I liked it. I couldn't believe I can do that! I could have a good conversation with her and she didn't feel intimidated by us. Even she agreed, when I eventually explained her about my project, to help me! Thanks Lord! Meant a lot!
I got my subject. I have to give my best out of it. I must not disappoint people who already put their trust on my shoulder. Ohh I feel like I got a nicest birthday present ever! :)
And one thing to learn: I didn't expect I will have a friend from place like that, but in fact I have one now. So it's always better to expect less, give more instead! And use the word "want" less, use the word "need" more instead. So really want something that really needed. Because God gives you thing that you really need. But don't forget to keep this in mind, "if you want something, the universe will conspire to make it come true!" So keep dreaming, keep fighting, do not give up!
gue sangat suka sekali paragraf terakhir-mu han :) bagus!