Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's April Again!

Here it comes, April! My favorite month of the year. I have a huge expectation that this month will bring me tons of luck! :)

Well, but like I always say, LIFE IS A BIG SURPRISE! Because in fact, first day of this month didn't run so well... I was neglect and irresponsible of my duty. I feel SO BAD about myself! And even worst because I ruined my friends' trust. I'm afraid now they lose their trust on me. I strongly hope not. And I'm sorry... I really am.

So then again, after several trials which happen to me since the beginning of this year, I'm asking myself again this time, "am I being tested?" I asked three of my closest friends that question, and one asked me back, "if you are being tested, do you have any idea why?" And automatically I answered her, "For me to be strong and to see life the way it is. To open my eyes and my heart, to be thankful of what I've got, to be more wisdom. But trials always never be that easy." Oh darn! I already know the answer of my own question!

I was thinking about it when I was walking alone back home. How to be strong, how to be more thankful, how to be more wisdom, how to accept things, how to struggle, how to be tough! Even now life is bringing me down, I must not give up! I have to keep fighting for my life! I CAN DO THAT!

Then I know what I should do, I need to change my perception about things. Seems I forgot it the last days. I was too cynical, so I couldn't see the good side of every single thing that happened.

There is no the word late for good thing. So from now on, if I can't change the thing that happen to me, I have to change the perception of the way I see that thing. And somehow, good thing always happen when you prepare for the worst. Same like if you expect too much, mostly you'll get less of it.

Real proof for those words, just experienced it today! I was walking alone back home at 10 pm. It was my first time walking alone in that street. It was a big street with many vehicles passing by but there were some spots which a little bit dark and looked dangerous. So I really prepared myself not to be robbed again, like two years ago. Then after around 1 km walking and still had 1 km left to walk, I was just thinking it would be nice if I could hitch hike inside the town. Two minutes after, a motorbike stopped by and offered me a ride! At first, I was suspicious! It's Jakarta! You would never know what will happen to you in big cities! We talked for a bit, then I could see that he really didn't mean something bad. So I accepted his offer. And my home was on his way home also. Just had a little talk and I asked him to pull over around 300 m from my house. It was really nice because he didn't even ask for my number. So he didn't have any motives at all! Wow thing like that happens in Jakarta. I have to pinch myself! ;)

Experience, what a really great teacher in life. And April, what a really incredible month. I feel like I have so much positive vibes in this month, even when things aren't going so well...


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