Friday, November 13, 2009

Another Thoughts that Might Lead You to Your Surprises. Enjoy!

Actually I have to write for the magazine that my friends and I make for our final test, but too lazy to do it. hehe.. I'm writing these random-thoughts of Stephan Stange instead. Why I write about him? Because I think he has a lot of stories to tell about his journey.

He is a German guy who hitchhiked all the way from Germany to the place he lives now, Pematangsiantar, North Sumatra, Indonesia. It took one and a half year, more or less. You can read all his stories on his website, EDs Tramper Blog, but it's all in German. :|

Here is all about what I can catch from him (sorry EDtha if I'm wrong). And don't be upset if I write too much about you. I know you don't like putting yourself on the line. But I just think that what you thought about life is inspiring. So why not share it to other people? :)

"I'm traveling because I want to find my life. I want to escape my life from the system and society to find the real one."

"I was rich before, but I don't really like that, because when you have a lot of money; you don't have your freedom anymore. Same like when you have expensive stuff, it always makes you worried."

"I don't want to waste my life for the money machinery like most people do in western countries. School, uni, job, career.. all for money and "safe" life? And every boring day is the fucking same. How can I feel my life when I don't live it?"

"I like to have everyday different and unexpected. So I hitchhike and sleep wherever the wind blows me. I love that."

"On the road, heading somewhere without plan, guide, or destination. I'm looking for something that I don't know."

"What you need to start hitchhiking is just your mind. Your mind needs to be free. When your mind is not free, you will start to worry and then afraid of something. It won't make you start doing it."

"Why should I plan my life? Opportunities are everywhere if you open your eyes. That's what I learned from living."

"Somewhere on the road, I don't know where I am. I just keep walking, and I'm still alive. I like that feeling."

"When you travel, you will feel like giving yourself to other people. So do another travelers."

"I'm homeless when I'm traveling. Once, I ate friesh which had been left by someone at McDonald's. I don't care. But people must care and consider to that thing million times because it would impact their image. I don't care about image, because my mind is free. I hope everyone can experience this."

"The only worse thing about traveling is the visa problem. It costs money, time, and nerves."

"I want to feel a deepest lost. So then I would know how it feels and see if I could survive and live my life or not. Things must not be the same."

PS: If I remember something else, I will update this post. ;)


  1. Thank you. :) But it isn't my thoughts, it's my boyfriend's. Once again, thank you. :)
